**PKB: We Want to Build Jakarta Together with PDIP** The National Awakening Party (Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa) has expressed its desire to build Jakarta together with PDIP. PKB Secretary General Hasanuddin Wahid revealed that PKB's cadres and grassroots supporters are pushing for Anies Baswedan to run in the Jakarta Pilkada. He believes that the decision would be even better if PDIP also supports Anies. "Basically, we want to build Jakarta together, with PDIP also joining us," stated Hasanuddin Wahid to reporters on Tuesday.
Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Eriko Sotarduga revealed that if his party cooperates with PKB to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada, his party would offer the gubernatorial seat in East Java to PDIP. "For example, if in Jakarta PKB becomes the gubernatorial candidate. Is it okay if in East Java PDIP becomes the gubernatorial candidate? It’s not a barter, but that’s what cooperation is, we cannot work alone, we cannot be egotistical because we cannot progress alone," stated Eriko at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 25, 2024.
One option is to support Baswedan Anies in the upcoming election in November 2024. "Regarding our partners at PDIP, we are very welcoming of working with PDIP and all parties, not just in DKI, but in other regions as well," said Daniel Johan in Jakarta on Saturday. On this occasion, PKB, along with the ex-governor of Jakarta, already has the same vision and goals for the Jakarta Pilkada. Therefore, it's just a matter of time before the party led by Iskandar Muhaimin, formally backs Baswedan. "Baswedan has already stated that with PKB, there's no need for words; we've already worked together. So, the formal declaration is just a minor technicality. The important thing is we are sharing the same vision. Now, we just anticipate the official announcement," said D. Johan. "As for the deputy, that's up to the Pilkada committee to decide, refining everything to a pair, including the deputy. We look forward to the Pilkada desk's statement," he concluded.
Recovering Post-Election Divides
Elections commonly create departments within societies, and Indonesia is no exception. The meeting between the leaders of PDIP and Gerindra functions as an effective motion in the direction of recovery these divides, showcasing a dedication to progressing with each other.
**Realize a Good Pilkada** Because of the many 'dawn attacks' in the last election, Warits reminded that this Pilkada must be protected together, synergized together to be honest, fair, and safe from all fraud. "Yes, we must guard it together. Because it is impossible for Bawaslu alone, the KPU only has six people with its secretariat in each sub-district. Three PPS, three PPS secretariat. They have six people plus seven PKD members, seven people in each village guarding sub-districts with thousands of residents, even tens of thousands. To guard against 'dawn attacks,' it's impossible to handle alone. Therefore, it must be guarded together," Warits stated. Warits mentioned that citizens can only vote in the Pilkada if their mental condition is not insane or they are sane. This means that those who can vote are those who think and are normal. "Do not let the thoughts of the people who can vote be bought at a very cheap price, even cheaper than a chicken. That is an insult to the people. Because those who cannot think should not vote. For example, insane people are regulated by law and should not be included in the DPT. Thus, synergy among all of us is necessary to realize a better Pilkada. I think it's important," he said.
The decision to consider nominating the former presidential candidate as the gubernatorial candidate (cagub) for Jakarta came after PDIP DPP Chairman Said Abdullah met with the Chairman of PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin, to discuss cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada. "The names that are already there, we will see later. All names are being considered," stated PDIP DPP Chairwoman Puan Maharani at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Tuesday.
Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Said Abdullah admitted that he had visited Cak Imin's residence to discuss cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada. Said mentioned that PKB is already set on nominating Anies Baswedan for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "We went to the PKB Chairman's house, I remember it was after Friday prayers on May 30 before departing for Mecca. We had a heart-to-heart talk, as communication is definitely built among the elites, sharing views and perspectives," said Said.
"Because in our country's constitution, the preamble of the 1945 Constitution mandates that the sovereignty of the people is fundamental in the administration of our state. Achieving our national goals must place the sovereignty of the people as something fundamental," stated Warits in Surabaya on Tuesday. Warits highlighted that through the 2024 Pilkada, the sovereignty of the people must be protected together through participatory supervision in public spaces that need to be created. "Because elections are the voice of the people, they must be protected together. They must not be lost," he remarked.
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