في 12 ساعات
nSanıklar ve avukatları, duruşmada delilleri çürütmeye odaklandı. Duruşmanın üçüncü gününde, sanık avukatları baz istasyonu kayıtlarının delil olarak ele alınmasına itiraz ederken, tutuklu sanık Salim Güran'ın aracında bulunan kıl ve DNA izlerine de itiraz ettiler. Mahkeme heyeti, müşteki Arif Güran ve vekili, Diyarbakır Barosu ile Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığının davaya katılma talebinin kabulüne, ağabey Baran Güran'ın müşteki olarak dosyaya eklenmesi talebinin reddine, mahkemeye gönderilen Dara bölgesine (Şehit Jandarma Uzman Onbaşı Bilal Dicle Gözetleme Noktası) ait görüntülerin dosyaya eklenmesine, tutuklu şüpheli R.A'nın tanık olarak dinlenilmesi talebinin kabulüne, Diyarbakır Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığına müzekkere yazılarak dosyada bulunan daraltılmış baz raporunu hazırlayanlardan hangi yöntem ile hangi baz verilerini kullanarak, hangi cihazlar ve hangi kriterlere uyularak, bilimsel tekniklerin neler olduğunu gösterir ve sapma payının olup olmama ihtimalini de belirtir ayrıntılı ek rapor aldırılmasına karar verdi. Savunma avukatları, iddianamedeki en önemli delil olan, sanıkların cinayet günü birlikte olduğunu gösterir baz istasyonu kayıtlarını çürütmeye odaklandı. Sanıklar ve avukatları, duruşmada delilleri çürütmeye odaklandı. Duruşmada 18 yaşından küçük olan tanıklar, adliyedeki Adli Gözlem Odası’nda Ses ve Görüntü Bilişim Sistemi (SEGBİS) ile pedagog eşliğinde ifade verdi. Eren de "Baran'la birlikte Adli Tıp Kurumu'nun önündeydim. Ben de bir babayım. Neyin peşindeyim? Neyin peşindeyim, gerçeklerin peşindeyim. Hayatıma mal olsa da peşini bırakmam asla. O kızın otopsisinde iken 3 gün boyunca kokusu üstümdeydi. Ömür boyu o kokuyu unutmayacağım. Sana teşhis yaptıracaklardı, izin vermedim. Sana bu kötülüğü yapılmasını engellemek için seni içeri almadım o zaman. Çünkü Baran, her gün öpüp kokladığı kız kardeşinin cesedinin kokusu üstüne sinecekti." dedi
Burr's advice was both honest and sanguine. The secret document found in leaked emails tells the story of how the owner of a bankrupt shipping and container company asked for compensation from the Turkish government for damage his ship sustained while transporting arms between Libyan ports at the order of Turkish authorities in 2011. The document revealed all the details of a Turkish government-approved arms shipment to rebels in a ship contracted by the IHH. In a hearing held on August 16, 2016 Ali Fuat Yılmazer, former head of the police intelligence section that specialized in radical religious groups, If you beloved this report and you would like to receive far more information about Eskort diyarbakır kindly go to the webpage. testified that "the IHH campaigns are designed to provide aid for jihadists engaged in global terrorism around the world and supply medical aid, funding, logistics and human resources for jihadists. Underneath he has copied the Syriac inscription that he found above the door. Their particular focus was on the Hittites and the other peoples who ruled central Anatolia long before the rise of the Hellenistic kingdoms. Burr's advice was both honest and sanguine. On February 22nd they logged a long evening at the club, dancing and leading a round of the Cornell Yell. When the expedition set off in mid-July, their starting point was not one of the classical cities of the coast, but a remote village in the heartland of the Phrygian kings
The allegedly damaged portion of the gas pipeline to Artsakh remains under Azerbaijani control. In addition, according to Ina McCabe’s Orientalism in Early Modern France, many of Europe’s first cafés were founded by these Djulfa (Julfan) merchants in the seventeenth century - contributing to a culture that, as Adam Gopnik writes in The New Yorker’s last issue of 2018, "helped lay the foundation for the liberal Enlightenment." Save for appropriated Armenian folklore linking the region to the Biblical Noah, whose ark was said to have landed on nearby Mount Ararat, Nakhichevan’s Armenian past has all but been erased. Each new argument of the anti-Armenian revisionism, writes Schnirelmann, "inflamed the imagination of the Azerbaijani authors." In 1975, for instance, a Soviet Azerbaijani construction project demolished the ancient Holy Trinity church, the site of Arab invaders’ mass burning of Armenian noblemen in 705 CE. The allegedly damaged portion of the gas pipeline to Artsakh remains under Azerbaijani control. By cutting off the gas pipeline to the population of Artsakh, firing at residents frequently, and still illegally holding Armenian prisoners of war in its jails, the Azerbaijani government appears to aim to ethnically cleanse the region of indigenous Armenians by destroying their peaceful life and violently forcing them to flee their ancestral lands. According to an Azerbaijani historian, who requested anonymity, many among modern Nakhichevan’s almost half-million population (virtually all of whom are Muslim), are devastated by the recent disappearance of the area’s Christian heritage. Leaving Azerbaijan was necessary, Nagorno-Karabakh’s majority-Armenian population claimed, to preserve the region’s indigenous Christian past and to avoid the fate of Nakhichevan’s vanished Armenians. Outside observers have typically interpreted the Aliyev regime’s erasure of Nakhichevan’s Armenian Christian heritage solely as a vengeful legacy of the bloody Nagorno-Karabakh war, but Armenian scholars and Azerbaijani dissidents have several additional theories of their own
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