بواسطة Meridith Reed
في كانون الثاني 15, 2025

I give up, what did the
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Matilda Hannah (pictured with her family), 24, from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, doesn't want to get her one-year-old Penelope something 'for the sake of it'. She and partner Ben, 24, are also not buying each other presents
7. Provide a braille calendar in the early educational years for use in group activities and include your blind student in calendar group activities. Have a small braille calendar available for student reference during group table-top activities. It is essential that the student is taught how to actually read a braille calendar in an organized and efficient manner. Students should also have a calendar available in the home setting. These calendars are readily available at major companies that manufacture adaptive products for blind individuals.
20. Please be sure to display your student's braille stories, work and art work alongside their sighted peers. Display your student's work at hand level so that peers and staff can explore their work. Attach a print copy so that others may also read your students work/stories and enjoy his/her creativity.
18. Provide braille room labels at students hand level for: classroom, bathroom, nurse's office, art room, music room, Science room, physical education room, cafeteria and main office for identification until the student fully learns their route and important room locations. These braille tags may be discontinued if no longer required.
Desk #2: This desk is for storage of Nemeth work folders, materials associated with math (braille ruler, auditory calculator, abacus, analog braille clock, multiplication and division braille charts and miscellaneous math materials). The student may also use a Nemeth reference guide sheet or book while in the process of learning their Nemeth symbols which should be readily available in this desk. Store currently used Nemeth braille books in volume order underneath the math desk in a crate or box for easy access. It is helpful to the blind student to have this extra desk and enough table/storage area next to them to avoid constant lifting of heavy materials such as the Perkin's Brailler. Therefore, store the Perkin's Brailler on top of this desk to the left of the student so that it is readily available.
It comes after Dinah Van Tulleken and her husband (pictured alongside their children) revealed why they had also decided to not buy Christmas presents this year for their two children, aged six and three
1. It is always easier to teach good organizational skills right from the start (Pre-school-Kindergarten) opposed to teaching them in later school years. Teach your student to be prepared and organized by being a good role model.
Organizational skills are of the utmost importance in a blind student's-braille reader's educational setting and include: student/teacher organization, management of materials, timely preparation of class lessons in transcribed braille, and even interlining of Nemeth braille math workbooks so non-braille reading staff can offer assistance when needed. Your blind student will have an easier time maintaining class pace in an organized and well prepped class setting. It is essential to instruct your staff and student on simple preparation tips, modifications and techniques that will make the school day an efficient and effective learning experience.
4. Educational braille books not currently being used should be stored in a convenient location in the classroom; review the location with the student and encourage them to access their braille books on an independent basis or shadow them until the student becomes fully independent in this process. Volumes should be removed once completed or no longer required and sent home for reference.
15. Include your student in class teacher "helper" assignments such as: bringing attendance record to office staff, bringing class
toddler lunch ideas australia orders to appropriate cafeteria staff, handing out papers, pledge and other class activities. This gives your student the opportunity to develop their Orientation & Mobility skills, memory mapping of the school and socialization skills. Take advantage of opportunities to develop appropriate socialization skills (i.e. social greetings/pleasantries, development of receptive and expressive speech and closing of conversation).
16. Backpack organization skills are a priority. Having an organized backpack with marked braille folders and developing a consistent routine of placing braille work and folders will help your student become an organized, efficient and active participant in the home and classroom setting.
13. Start a "homework braille" folder, a "to be transcribed" folder and "to be brailled folder" to help maintain good organization and flow of the student's classroom work. The student should be taught to be responsible for their homework folder and completing the work in it. Provide your braille transcriber an adequate time frame to get materials formatted and embossed in a timely manner.