بواسطة في 5 ساعات
Plot: A black comedy crime thriller set in the 1990s. The story follows Sunny, a mechanic, and his pal Firoz as they determine to make counterfeit cash, facing challenges from a gangster named Mansoor and a cop named Michael. Solid: Barun Sobti, Suvinder Vicky, Rachel Shelley, Harleen Sethi, Manish Chaudhari, Saurav Khurana. The present is a gentle-hearted watch, one that you just don’t want to apply your brain to and is something that may remind you of classic Indian comedy. One of the best par...
1 مشاهدة 0 الإعجابات
بواسطة في 16 ساعات
It takes place during a time of war, however focuses more on explosive motion and entertaining spectacle than being a traditional conflict movie. There are also key locations in Magnificent Warriors the place one can see other films that may have influenced it, however that’s okay when such influences are remixed and reimagined the way in which they're throughout this entertaining trip of a film. When a film has a simple title, it may be a comparatively protected signal that it's going to also h...
5 المشاهدات 0 الإعجابات